An auction campaign under the sign of flexibility
On 10 October Storengy, European leader in natural gas storage, presented its agenda and offers at the launch of commercial campaign

On 10 October Storengy, a subsidiary of the ENGIE group and European leader in natural gas storage, presented its agenda and offers at the launch of commercial campaign for the storage year 2023-2024.
The storage volume held by Storengy France represents 75 % of the French capacities.
In an exceptional energy context, it actively contributes to the security of supply of 11 million French consumers.
In addition to the 7 TWh already sold during former auctions, 89 TWh in storage capacities will be offered for sale in a flexible timeframe.
This year, in view of the exceptional context and in accordance with the French Energy Regulation Commission’s (CRE) decision of 7 October 2022, Storengy France offers its customers a flexible marketing schedule. The capacity auctions are going to take place between 18 October 2022 and February 2023 (mainly on Tuesday and Thursdays).
Three types of products will be offered for sale:
- seasonal products (withdrawal over approx. 160 days): Serene Atlantique 23 and Serene Nord 23;
- median products (withdrawal over 63 days): Sediane Nord 23;
- quick products (withdrawal over 26 days): Saline 23.
Since last year, Storengy France has offered a Green Option to its customers, who can thus decide to reduce the CO2 emissions of all or part of their subscriptions. This reduced ecological footprint linked to storage service can be as low as -59 %.
“Energy issues are in the spotlight both in France and in Europe. Without any doubt, storage infrastructure has never been as indispensable as today to preserve the balance of the energy system. In this context, Storengy has been able to adapt to unprecedented conditions of market volatility by changing the way we market our products, to offer more flexibility to our customers,” explains Commercial and Strategy Director Estibaliz Gonzalez-Ferrer.
A major investment programme in 2022
In 2022, Storengy invested 208 million euros to ensure the proper functioning of its facilities and prepare them for increased quantities of renewable gas.
Although representing 0.5 % of the French emissions, Storengy also supports the strong regulatory and societal expectations of reducing methane emissions and devotes a major part of its investments to this every year.
Committed to reducing the environmental footprint of its activity
To achieve its carbon neutrality objective by 2045, Storengy has been implementing a voluntary approach for several years to reduce the environmental footprint of its industrial activity by lowering both its methane and CO2 emissions.
Several actions conducted between 2016 and 2021 have successfully enabled the company to avoid 162 tonnes in CH4 emissions, which is the equivalent of 5,800 tonnes of CO2eq. This strong reduction is a result of periodic campaigns to detect fugitive emissions, of vented gas recovery during technical maintenance and other works, and of more efficient technologies.
In parallel, Storengy sources renewable gas near its sites to supply its gas-powered equipment: 8 GWh of GOs (guarantees of origin) for biomethane have been acquired, i.e., 1,400 tonnes of CO2 avoided/year. The electricity consumed by the sites is 100 % renewable and local.
About Storengy
Storengy, a subsidiary of ENGIE, is one of the world leaders in underground natural gas storage. Drawing on 70 years of experience, Storengy designs, develops and operates storage facilities and offers its customers innovative products. The company owns 21 natural gas storage sites with a total capacity of 136 TWh in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Storengy is also a key player in geothermal energy (heat and cold production, as well as power generation) and innovative renewable gas production and storage solutions (biomethane, hydrogen, synthetic gas).
Media contacts:
Monet + Associés for Storengy – Lison Douvegheant
@: – Phone: 04 78 37 34 64